Key project information
Young refugees do not necessarily have the nationality of the country in which they live, and are therefore unable to vote. Furthermore, social, cultural and linguistic difficulties make their inclusion more difficult. Co-funded by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ program, the DiverCity project aims to develop citizenship education practices for young refugees, and to train the actors involved in these practices, after establishing an inventory of the situation during exchanges with young refugees, youth workers, public decision-makers and volunteers involved.

This project, coordinated by the European Youth Parliament – France, is carried out in cooperation with partners in 4 other European countries: Msk Lodz in Poland, Hellas for Us in Greece, AJ Intercambia in Spain, and Le Tre Ghinee in Italy. The project will last 33 months, from April 1, 2023 to December 30, 2025.
Partner structures
Asociación Juvenil Intercambia // Spain
AJ Intercambia is a youth organization created by and for young people. Their main activities are based on intercultural learning, using non-formal education and youth program actions to encourage the participation of young people in the international context, in order to break down barriers between countries, reduce racism and promote tolerance between different cultures.
Hellas for Us // Greece
Hellas for Us was founded in 2015 with a mission to promote active citizenship and volunteering, social transformation, equality and inclusion. The organization focuses on the transition to a « society for all » as a key element of social development. It aims to promote social inclusion and integration by fostering inclusive societies that are stable, safe, just and tolerant, and that respect diversity, equal opportunity and the participation of all people, including disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and individuals.
The Tre Ghinee // Italy
The Tre Ghinee is a Rome-based association formed during the confinement as a response to the alienation and isolation experienced by disadvantaged people, to create a network of support and exchange. The spread and consolidation of populism and discourses that capitalize on fears and social instability, focusing on violence and hatred, have a considerable impact on society.
Miejska Strefa Kultury w Łodzi (Msk Lodz) // Poland
Msk Lodz is a public cultural center co-financed by the municipality of Łódź. It consists of 15 branches located in different parts of the city. The branches work under a single brand, combining their experience and achievements. MSK’s main objective is to meet the needs of the local community in the field of non-formal and informal education. MSK’s mission is to educate adults and young people, propagate culture, animate and integrate the local community.

Our objectives
- Diagnose needs: include young refugees in out-of-school education policies that concern them.
- Develop civic education practices for young refugees to include playful methods from various fields of learning.
- Train people in contact with these young people to encourage the dissemination of these methods.
Our target audiences
- Young refugees
- Young volunteers
- Youth workers
- Local public decision-makers in charge of youth policies
Project stages
Project launch (April 2023)
Stage 1 : In-depth diagnosis of needs: Including young migrants and refugees in out-of-school youth education policies (May 2023 to January 2024)
Production of an inventory of civic participation education practices among young refugees in Europe,and evaluation of them based on testimonies and working groups made up of public actors, young refugees, young volunteers and youth workers.
Our first result : Field study report on existing practices regarding civic education for young refugees outside of school settings
Stage 2 : Developing practical methods based on diversified non-formal education methods (January 2024 to April 2025)
Elaboration and co-construction of civic education practices for young refugees outside the school environment, drawing on various fields (art, culture, sport, etc.), through workshops, roundtables and civic actions.
Production of a range of tools, including a booklet of proposals for local authorities, a brochure for young refugees outlining opportunities for involvement, practical information sheets on civic education for all, a collection of practical resources, and an inclusion guide for people in contact with these young people.
Our second result : Booklet of proposals on improving civic inclusion and participation of young refugees
Stage 3 : Training in non-formal education practices to promote civic integration of young migrants (April 2025 to December 2025)
Training courses for local authorities, young people, volunteers and youth professionals
Production of a series of turnkey resources for training and disseminating project results: training kit, website, online course module
Our second result : Brochure for the civic engagement of young refugees in Europe
Project closure (December 2025)

Co-financed by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed, however, are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for this.